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Bitcoin Pizza Day: Users Spend $135,000 on Pies


Cryptocurrency enthusiasts have spent over $135,000 worth of various cryptocurrencies on pizzas in the past year, as detailed in a recent Bitrefill report. A thorough analysis of Bitrefill’s internal pizza gift card sales data reveals that users purchased 3,941 pizzas with crypto. Bitcoin (BTC), alongside the Lightning Network, remains the dominant force, accounting for 23.8% of total crypto-related pizza sales. Ethereum (ETH) follows with a 20.5% share of pizza orders, according to the Bitrefill report. USDT, the largest stablecoin with a market cap of $111 billion, holds a 6.8% share of global crypto-purchased pizzas. Bitrefill’s data highlights Domino’s Pizza as the top recipient of crypto transactions, with 3,012 orders over the past year. Papa John’s and Pizza Hut are in second and third place with 473 and 173 orders, resp


Source: coinatory.com bitcoin Bitcoin Pizza blockchain cryptocurrency cryptomarket cryptonewstoday news Pizza Pizza Day regulations